The primary goal of the committee is to work with landowners, funding entities, and state, local, and federal government agencies to promote sustainable soil conservation practices that will enhance soil health in Washington State. To that end, the committee will solicit grant proposals for soil health projects, fund them, and share the results across the state.
The committee will maintain a website for sharing information among landowners, scientists, public agencies and private entities, such as, Washington Association of Wheat Growers, Pacific Northwest Direct Seed Association, Washington Hay Growers Association, Horticulture Association, Farwest Fertilizer Association, Organic Farmers, and Potato Growers Association. Members will travel throughout the state to attend relevant organizational meetings and conferences to distribute educational information about soil health.
The committee will search for and share reports of soil health accomplishments in other states for use in Washington State.
The committee will identify early adopters of innovative practices and share their success stories about promoting soil health.
Overall, the committee will work to raise general awareness of soil health and its importance to the citizens of Washington State.